夏目義一ギャラリー A Web Gallery Introducing the Works of Yoshikazu Natsume
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 Privacy Policy

About Personal Information
I shall exert every effort to protect the privacy of all information of a personal nature collected from
individuals and companies.
At this shop, we value the privacy of our clients, and shall exert every effort to protect the privacy of
all information of a personal nature. Below, you will find a description of how this shop will use personal
■When We Receive Personal Information from Clients
In order to provide clients with the most appropriate type of service, we will ask for 
their personal information with their approval when they use the following services:
・ when asked questions or on receiving inquiries;
・ when clients register for special services, such as events, on the website;
・ when asked to fill out a questionnaire. 

■Asked content
Name, E-mail Address, and information on address

■Use of collected information
I will use it to deliver it with E-mail to send it.
I might use information that has gathered in the improvement of the function of the service (WEB site) provided by the customer.

■When I share the third party with information.
These might be used to serve to the customer.
Other sharing is never done though factorage's person sometimes uses the part.

■About the use of Cookie
The cookie is a text file that the site makes for customer's personal computer.
Cookie might be used for the customer's service improvement and the improvement of the site.

The inquiry and the consultation : here.


Society of Animal Artists/
I am the Japanese first member

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Home Profile Gallery Link Privacy Policy Site Map Inquiry Japanese Site
Natsume Gallery  Iizumi Odawara City Kanagawa Japan     info@natsume-gallery.biz
Copyright (C)2011 Natsume Gallery. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.